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Cultural IntelligenceSpeaking

Cultural and Linguistic IQ: Two Secrets to a Phenomenal Business Reputation

By February 29, 2012One Comment

In today’s microblog, I will share a video of a recent presentation I did with my colleague Uli Dendy from True Language. The subject was protecting your business reputation with a high level of cultural and linguistic IQ.

If I were to state that culture and language IQ are important components of business today, I don’t think I’d hear too many arguments. What I’m not sure is as well known is the degree to which language and culture matter. The real story is in the details. For example, if you did a Twitter campaign for your company in three languages using Google translate, could you be sure of the accuracy of the translation? What would be the consequence if the message wasn’t 100 percent correct? When you listen to your colleague from India speaking in what you perceive as a heavy accent, are you understanding 100 percent of what they are saying? If not, what are you missing? These details matter, and most organizations do not have protocols in place to address them.

Please enjoy this short video of our ideas and solutions for an enhanced cultural and linguistic IQ.

What tools and techniques do you use to boost cultural and linguistic IQ in your organization?

Vicki Flier Hudson

Vicki Flier Hudson, Chief Collaboration Officer for Highroad Global Services, Inc. inspires people to leverage the full power of differences. She has helped countless large-sized corporations establish successful operations across the globe and build bridges across cultures, distance, and time.

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